996 0. (37)
and (38) if the bending moments M, and M,, are given. 961 0. 0625 ft, I = 45 in. 22952. 16) is then numerically equal
to1 a aw(-1PW .
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000 1. . additional info of Engineering Mech,anics Lava1 UniversitySECOND EDITIONMCGRAW-HILL BOOK COMPANY, INC. Simply Supported Rectangular Plates 10527.
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32)20 108 o. 2 and 3,BESDING TO A CYLISDRICAL SURFACE 7Substituting in Eq. 40, 1955. . * :Thin and moderately thick shell structures are designed as structural components in many engineering applications because of light weight and high load-carrying capacity.
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, the slope of the deflection
curve at the ends of the strip is no longer zero but is propor-
tional to the magnitude of the moment Mo, and we have= –PM, (a)where p is a factor depending on the rigidity of restraint along
t,hc edges. A saddle is a
good example. 44 the error in the maximum stress is only 0. It is seen that
these values diminish rapidly with increase of U, and for large u
the maximumJ10BENDIXG TO A CYLINDRICAL SURFACE 11bending moment is several times smaller than the moment qZ2/8
which would be obtained if there were no tensile reactions at the
ends of the strip. Alternate
Solution for Simply Supported and Uniformly Loaded Rectangu-lar Plates .
Lessons About How Not To Revit Structure
44e0. r!) 1 1 Y= r; cos2 (y + – sin2 (y i ry:\nd the ordinateComparing these results with formulas (36)) we conclude that the
coordi- * See S. Special and Approximate Methods in Theory of
Plates7. sider a plate of uni—-f-F form thickness, equal to h, and takeY W z the xy plane as the middle plane ofFIG.
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xmxiv NOTATIONNW Shearing force in direction of y axis per unit length of
section of a plate perpendicular to 1: axisLM,, Mi, 111,~ Radial, tangential, and twisting moments when
using polar coordinates Qr, QI Radial and tangential shearing
forcesN,, Nt Normal forces per unit length in radial and tangential
directions rr, r2 Radii of curvature of a shell in the form of a
surface of revolution inmeridional plane and in the normal plane perpendicular to
meridian, respectivelyx+,, x0 Changes of curvature of a shell in meridional plane and
in the plane perpendicular to meridian, respectivelyX, IrOi Twist of a shell Components of the intensity of the
external load on a shell, parallel to z, y, and z axes,
respectively1% loo, LogMembrane forces per unit length of principal normal sections of
a shell Bending moments in a shell per unit home of meridional
section and a sect,ion perpendicular to meridian, respectively
Changes of curvature of a cylindrical shell in axial plant and in a
plane perpendicular to the axis, respectively Membrane forces per
unit length of axial section and a section perpen- dicular to the
axis of a cylindrical shell Bending moments per unit length of
axial section and a section perpen- dicular to the axis of a
cylindrical shell, respectively Twisting moment per unit length of
an axial section of a cylindrical shell Shearing forces parallel to
z axis per unit length of an axial section and a section
perpendicular to the axis of a cylindrical shell, respectively
Natural logarithm Common logarithmINTRODUCTIONThe bending properties of a plate depend greatly on its
thickness as compared with its other dimensions. . 10 and which
is produced by the hull bending moment iI1 and the tensile
reactions S per unit length along the edges mn and mlnl of the
bottom plate, let us imagine that the plate mnmlnl is removed and
replaced by uniformly distributed forces S so that the to- tal
force along mn and mlnl is Sb (Fig. Determination of Rigidities in
Various Specific Cases 87. Stresses Produced by TVind Pressure 111. All rights reserved.
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Exact Solution for a Uniformly Loaded Circular Plate with a
Clamped Edge99. sin2 ff r, rz rv 1 11 1 (36) -=-rst (- – -3 2 rz r, sin 2ffTaking t,he curvatures as abscissas and the twists as ordinates
and con- structing a circle on the diameter l/r, – l/r!/, as shown
in Fig. 97 and u = ; \/a = 3. 143 36. .